Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Things to remember....

Avery is 5 weeks old today.  I want to be able to remember the following:

1.  Her little cooing noises when she is falling asleep and her not so little barn animal noises when asleep.  They are loudest dur the 7-9 am hours for some reason.
2.  Sleep smiles before she is out!
3.  Her being a champ at taking her vitamin D drops, letting me put in her eye ointment awake or asleep and using nasal aspirator without much fuss.
4. Watching her snuggle on Josh.  Josh's permanent smile also is great to see!
5.  Her wakefulness, eyes open, just hangin' out without a fuss....for hours.
6.  Cuddling with her, preferably when I have had cumulative of 7-8 hrs of sleep.
7. Passing her around to multiple family members without her batting an eye, meaning totally passed out!
8. Her pursed lips to let me know she is finished feeding.
9. Her many facial expressions; eyebrows up, cheeks puffed double chin, lips pursed, frowning, smiling.  All happen within seconds of one another in no particular order.
10. Her attraction to the light and anything bright.  I don't think she blinks when she is looking into the light, especially out the window where we sit during nursing.
11. Her hands folded and resting on my shoulder when I am burping her (guaranteed 3 little burps, not much spit up - most of the time).
12.  Bath-time with two helpers and smelling her afterwards.
13.  Singing to her in the car to calm her down.  I need to expand my lyrical capabilities, but she loves to hear Hymns and Christmas songs in alto.
14. Going for walks with her in the stroller without a peep.
15. She is not a fan of the BabyErgo yet, but we are still trying
16. Maybe not a highlight, but the challenges and joys of breastfeeding (when it works).  This is a lot of workBetween pumping and feeding, I am constantly hungry and eating carbs like they are going out of style!  Not sure why she doesn't take from me about 1-2 times a day, but she will take a bottle down in no time.  She requires my full-attention, two hands and much encouragement at times to get in a full feed.  This has been a source of great stress and contentment at the same time.  Having a baby rely on you solely for nourishment is a BIG responsibility!
17. Hearing from her MD that she is growing 2 oz a day which is the max rate of growth that she has seen in newborns!  Go Sweet Baby Aves!  
18. The smallness of our condo which makes it easy for me to manage, however, these walls can get very very confining.  So glad for decent weather that has allowed for outdoor trips!
19. Having her be described as the following on several occasions; 'peaceful', 'calm', 'a good baby', 'pretty', 'precious', 'perfect'.  Makes a mommy proud and very happy!
20.  Having grandparents closeby for socialization and much needed change of scenery.  Wednesdays seem to be our Nana and Papa days to help break up the week.  Now, I can't wait to get up to Maine!
21. Her soft skin, holding her hands, kissing her feet, smelling and kissing her head when burping her
22. Watching her slowly losing her hair while maintaining a nice mohawk and mullet
23. Being on the brink of switching from our rotation of 5 newborn outfits to a greater variety of 0-3 month wardrobe. 
24. Having a family of three!
25. Getting my first 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night as she went from 8 pm to 2 am between feeds!   I don't think that this is the norm's to hoping!

Overall, Avery is a joy to have in my life.  Josh and I are in heaven and are so happy that she is here with us!  Avery is a great baby and we feel very lucky!  

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