Monday, April 8, 2013

Em + 15 Grandview Rescue

I would be lying if I said that the initial three days home after the hospital were peachy.  Josh and I basically arrived home with approximately 3 hours of sleep under our belts and my milk hadn't come in yet so we were dealing with a very hungry baby! We just didn't know it!

Em came down one day to help out which was awesome!  She helped us get her to sleep and shed light on the fact that our little one was not getting enough to eat.  One hospital grade breast pump and many exhausted tears later, Josh and I were convinced by my parents to come home for some additional help!  We were running on fumes and were torched, you could say.

My mom arranged for a NICU RN friend from church to come over and help me with nursing and halt any potential engorgement (we thought I was on the brink).  Kim Peterson will forever be considered as a saving grace in my book.  She came over at 9 pm and helped me with nursing and taught me so many good tricks.  Luckily, my milk had just come (day 4 post delivery) in that very moment it seemed and Avery was able to latch and eat well.

The next day, Avery and I were guided again by Kim Peterson during her first bath.  It was so nice to have an expert assisting me and teaching me how to take care of my very tiny lady (6.2 at this point).  Avery loved the bath and was beginning to get into the groove of nursing.  So was I!

But, boy!  No one can really quite prepare you for the healing process that takes place post-delivery.  The magical 2 week mark did seem to be my turn around time. But until that time. I was a hurting cowgirl!  Riding a horse would have been much better for the wear!

15 Grandview was excellent!  My mom helped put Avery down one night and I got some much needed sleep.  Josh slept above the garage and got plenty of sleep!  Avery, got mostly good sleep!  I will never underestimate the value of sleep again!

Overall, Josh, my family and Kim Peterson saved my life, sanity and helped buoy me up during what I call, "my darkest days".  Soooooo glad that is behind us!

 Here are pics from that visit:


First bath: 4 days old

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