Sunday, February 17, 2013

Almost 37 weeks

A few comments about the journey thus far;

Josh has to help remove my Teds and socks now at the end of the day. 
Tall boots are a must.
I try to avoid having to lift patient legs, put on socks, shoes or wheelchair leg rests.
I have now had not one, or two head colds, but four this winter.  Brutal!
I can still sleep soundly, thankfully.
I had a job interview at 36 weeks for per diem position! Who would have thought?
I can still wear my wedding ring as the swelling thus far is still at bay.
This baby is squirming around in my belly and kicking a nice nerve that shoots to my groin.
We have the car seat in the backseat, resting, not latched in....yet!
I can't believe my body can still perform my work duties!
After 3 pm, the waddle begins, maybe even earlier?
Dinners have been slacking, evening entertainment is bed by 9:30pm on average.
I have done 3 loads of baby laundry and the nursery is nearly complete.
Taxes are done!
I have had a baby shower with the RS women which was lovely!
My co-workers also threw a baby shower for myself and the two other pregnant therapists!
Bottom line: Josh and I are ready for this baby!  We weren't able to take any prenatal classes because of cancellations from the blizzard, but we can do it!
So, baby, when you are ready, we are waiting! XO M & D

Here is a pic of Josh and I at my surprise shower thrown by Josh's mom!!!!! Thanks to Judy for an amazing shower full of love and supportive friends and family!  This is when I was 38 weeks.