Sunday, April 7, 2013

Avery has arrived!

3/6/13 10:27am
6 lbs 10 oz 19 inches long

Here are a few details that I don't want to forget (or maybe should) about this eventful delivery!  On the eve of the 5th at 11 pm, my water broke.  Josh and I woke up in a daze after about 2 hours of sleep and quickly pulled our things together and headed to the hospital.  For those who are wondering how to expedite the process of baby delivery, ask your OB/GYN to strip your membranes as my water broke about 48 hrs afterwards!

Once we arrived to the hospital, some nice janitors escorted us clear across the hospital as we parked in the wrong lot, me in a wheelchair with soaking wet pants.  Once we got to the triage, I immediately asked for an epidural.  Long story short, I had to be poked 3 times.  First epidural attempt, numbness on only my right side and could feel everything on the left.  Second spinal attempt, similar results even with stronger meds.  Third attempt via non-medical resident anethesiologist, worked like a charm!  However, given the above 3 trials of pain meds, I basically had full-blown labor contractions from 11-7am. Lesson learned: don't have medical resident perform epidural!  Also, the meds made me extremely itchy and I had to take off the gown because the presence of it on my skin was intolerable.

The medical team allowed me to rest for about an hour before pushing.  Josh slept on a cot and I yelled at him to get me a basin as I threw up 3 times.  She came out after 2 hours and was delivered by a soft-spoken Asian doctor, don't know his name, nor ever met him previously.  I remember the heartburn being really really bad when pushing, but the pain of labor was tolerable as the final epidural kicked in!  Thank goodness!  Josh was fantastic holding my leg and encouraging me.  I was expecting to swear and be really really mean, but luckily this was not the case and we made it out both crying as we held our little girl.  I initially couldn't see her because of my tears, but Josh took some great shots and here they are!  I'll get to the aftershock in my next post.....some dark days ensued.  

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