Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wake Up Smiles

Avery: 12 weeks after a 2 hour and 45 minute nap!
I wonder if in many months, I'll look back and think;
What was I thinking having her wear that sleepsuit/straight jacket (my family calls it)?
What is the white noise all about?
If I am questioning these things, maybe I should look at her face in this video and remember how happy she was waking up from naps!  Must be something magical to magic merlin's sleepsuit?

The well hath runneth dry.....well almost

After about 10 weeks of nursing Avery, she and my boobs have decided to part ways.  Avery went on "strike" and I didn't realize why until I did some pumping and realized that I wasn't producing enough milk for her.  We thought it might have been thrush, a growth spurt, you name it.  However, after many tears, lactation consultation, drinking and eating epic porportions, fenugreek round the clock and lots of pumping, I struggled to produce 10 ounces/day (5-6 pumping sessions).  Josh and I decided that it would have been selffish of me to continue to try to get her to feed from me as it seemed like utter torture to her (and me)!  Forget about tummy time, she was arching her head and back so much, this kid can almost hold her head up now!  Not to mention, that this is when she discovered her total lung capacity!

The fact that breastfeeding is over has been a really tough reality for me as a mother to accept and be "okay" with.  Mainly because I feel that there is an expectation that lactating mothers nurse their babies for 12-18 months, if not longer.  As well as the fact that breastmilk is the most nutritious for babies. 

I never anticipating having this happen to me, but nonetheless, it has.  For a while, she nursed during the nighttime hours, but eventually this faded too.  I really did enjoy those last late night feeds as she was so peaceful and close to me.  However, she just loves her bottle and I can't blame her.  The Hughes/Ackernecht's enjoy food!

In all of this, Avery is much much happier and sleeping better now that she is eating better.  Go figure?!  We have even begun sleep training to include her self soothing for naps and bedtime.  When I was breastfeeding, there was no rhyme or reason to when she would eat and now she is much more predictable.  For what it is worth, we are feeding her the cream of the crop in formula which makes me feel a little better about it. 

I go back and forth about feeling at peace with this change in our relationship.  Some days are better than others and I can easily cry when I think about her not getting the continued health benefits of breastmilk.  But then I remember that it is a blessing that Avery can now have many family members who love her, feed her.  I know that it is helping her create special bonds with other family members.  Perhaps, this was her way of trying to socialize with others and not just mommy.  She just loves too many people to be hogged all by mommy! 

So, I continue to try to pump three times a day and we just see how it goes!  As long as she is happy and healthy, I suppose the source of the nutrition shouldn't get me down.  I am almost there!  I love Avery and want the very best for her....always!  So does daddy!  Plus, Josh gets a huge kick out of feeding her because she has a BM almost every time.  We call her "redbrow" when this happens, no explanation needed.  Josh just laughs and laughs and then he always says, "man, I love this kid!" and kisses her like crazy.  Seeing this happen between father and daughter makes me smile and laugh too, if not cry because it is so sweet.  Then I think......"man, I love this family!"  And isn't that what is most important!?

Sugah pie, honey bunch

Between 10 and 11 weeks for both of these pics

3 months!

This little lady is 3 months today!  We love her very much and can't believe that so much time has already gone by!  Here are some of the things that we have been working on:

* She loves to do half sit-ups when laying on laps....working on her core at an early age

* She is soooo close to finding her thumb as she is sucking on everything and drooling quite a bit

* She is getting really REALLY good at soothing herself for naps and bed time!  I can just put her down without a pacifier and she is asleep on her own in about 5-10 minutes of squacking

* She smiles like crazy at us when she wakes up from a nap or in the morning

* She is really good at taking a bottle, including her dreamfeed :)

* She is grabbing onto toys with both hands (however, I think she is better with her right hand) and she can hold onto the bottle in midline

* She likes to hold onto our fingers when she takes a bottle

* She loves to have Nana Judy babysit as I returned to work 1 day per week for 4 hours

* She is wide eyed and looking around everywhere when we go for our evening walks as a family.  She is a nosey little lady!

We love this little munch so very much!  We just keep talking about how cute she is and I love her chubby cheeks.....they are kissed very often! 

Way to go Ave's for now becoming an infant and having succeeded in passing through the newborn stage!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Catching a smile at 9 weeks

And again at 10 weeks

Grand, Great, Great Great

Can you believe that Avery has three grandmothers on Josh's side!  Unbelievable!  Gran Nan is 100!  Pretty amazing! 
This kiddo has good genes!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Play date with Finn - 7 weeks

My co-worker Lauren had a baby about 1 month after me (he is two weeks old here!).  We have arranged to have a baby-share when she and I return to work part-time.  So I will get to hang out with these two kiddos one day a week!  They look a little leery of one another...haha!  Best buds in the making! 

Lauren and I also enjoy walks together in Arnold Arboretum as we both get the cooped up/stir crazy feeling of being at home with newborns!  She also is planning on joining my new mom's group in Dedham on Tuesdays.  A new mom has to keep busy!

It's funny to see Avery dwarf Finn as she is still a peanut to me!

Sweet Baby Ave's

 approx. 5 weeks - favorite position...hanging on my shoulder!
 again approx. 5 weeks
6 weeks
 7 weeks

Rolling over at 7 weeks!
chillin' like a villain at 8 weeks